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A place where singles, couples and friends connect

  • I am not single, Can I join ?
    Yes ! As long as you are human, you are welcome to Singles' Market.
  • Can I find my soulmate at Singles' Market ?
    Yes ! Definitely, we will be providing matchmaking program in the event for the guest to meet new friends !
  • How do I sign up as an vendors?
    Kindly DM us or email
  • How to collaborate with Singles' Market ?
    Drop us a message via our contact form, and we’ll be in touch within 2 working days! We’ll craft a specially tailored proposal for you, inclusive of your organization's objectives, project scope, budget, and a sample programme design. The entire process will typically take 2-4 weeks.
  • How do I contact the team ?
    You can DM us directly on Instagram at @singles_market, or drop us an email at !
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